Animated video introduced: “Inside the TREMEC TR-9070 DCT”

Animated video introduced: “Inside the TREMEC TR-9070 DCT”

Delivers no-compromise shifts as fast as 80 milliseconds

Look inside and see how TREMEC technology delivers the efficiency of a manual transmission and speed of a racing gearbox with the TR-9070 DCT 7-speed dual clutch transmission. Advanced computer control carefully orchestrates system timing, from gear selection to clutch modulation.

Featuring two wet clutches that engage and release in perfect synchronization, the TR-9070 DCT can transition from gear to gear as fast as 80 milliseconds without interrupting torque – allowing for comfortable and efficient touring and no-compromise performance shifts.

Depending on the situation and mode, the fun-to-drive transmission thinks, learns and performs – whether it be normal driving, sporty driving, drag racing or track racing.

Watch the 4-minute animation – rendered from our engineering CAD drawings – on the TREMEC YouTube channel: